DigitsBrands: Update Roadmap (till Q2 2023)

3 min readNov 28, 2022

It’s been several weeks since the successful mint of the DigitsAgents NFT collection and the activation of the entire DigitsEcosystem including DigitsClub, DigitsPad, DigitsMarketplace, DigitsTracker and the DigitsMainframe.

The mint
Although the market conditions were not favourable the DigitsAgents NFT collection of 10.000 NFTs and DigitsFounding Agents NFT collection of 999 NFTs was fully minted out. A total of 100 NFTs was allocated to the DigitsBrands Treasury wallet. In order to bring the DigitsEcosystem from start-up phase to the next phase some company operational changes and extensions have to be made.

The products

Moving forward all opportunities listed on the DigitsPad decentralized launchpad have to be approved with a Governance vote on the DigitsMainframe.

The DigitsMarketplace will get two new bidding modules of which one is a group raffle system where a fixed entry pool fee is set in DigitsCoins and the system will select winners at random, this as an alternative of the current ‘‘up-bidding’’ module available on the platform.

Throughout the current bearish market conditions the DigitsClub will provide weekly informative weekly events like AMA’s, raffles, education etc on but not limited to: market conditions, ongoing progress on the ecosystem and opportunities brought to the DigitsMarketplace and DigitsPad.

The company
The restructuring has been completed and the team has been leaned out, primarily on the development side which earlier was cost intensive. Logical, because the DigitsEcoSystem development is finished. Also, as per 26th of November Colin Dijs has stepped down as Chief Executive Officer of DigitsBrands but will continue to support the DigitsBrands team in an Advisory role as Chief Strategy Office ensuring the balancing of the internal DigitsCoins economy and the optimization of the deal-flow coming towards the ecosystem. In the meantime the CEO responsibilities will be taken care of by the DigitsBrands executive ensuring that the processes and decisions are optimized and implemented according to schedule.

As we had such an amazing experience both educational and entertainment based, the team has decided to continue the riddles with a heavy crypto focus moving forward. The structure, prizes and how to participate will be announced in the DigitsClub discord in December.

Main focus moving forward

The main focus moving forward for the team is to deliver (1) a well-balanced economy (2) bring opportunities to the ecosystem (3) consistency while the market is bearish.

  1. A well-balanced economy
    Now the full ecosystem is active, DigitsCoins are being yielded and spent the economy is starting to show interesting numbers in terms of supply and demand. After the 10-weeks of airdrops campaign the DigitsRedeemer will be turned on to see the full effect of the internal economy. Based on the datapoints measured by the team the economy will be balanced and re-structured if required to ensure a linear upward trend progression towards a suitable equilibrium. This will take time.
  2. Opportunities to the ecosystem/ 3. Consistency while the market is bearish
    With a full ecosystem that thrives around IDO-related opportunities the worst possible market is a deep bear market although the overall sentiment also plays a big role here. Nonetheless the team will consistently provide value over the next period in the form of available opportunities, educational content and the team will pro-actively support the community


DigitsBrands is the overarching umbrella organization that stands above the individual DigitsBrands assets such as DigitsClub, DigitsPad, DigitsTracker and the DigitsMarketplace. The mission of DigitsBrands is to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of cryptocurrency information and tools.

The main goal is to build a sustainable Digits Ecosystem where crypto investors and partners enjoy the usage of the Digits tools and information.

🌐 Website: digitsbrands.com

🐦 Twitter: @digitsclub

📚 Discord: discord.gg/digitsclub

💻 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCorQXSquvn9Il0Hp_k_9Jxw

